Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie 『感恩』讓我們的過去有意義、為今天帶來和平、為明天創造一個願景。…
Thank you for visiting us. 謝謝您們的瀏覽
Thoughts are things. Feed your dreams and starve your nightmares. - John Addision 思想會成為事物。餵飽您的夢想,餓死您的噩夢。 - 約翰 . 愛迪生 Photographed in August 20…
Tell me about you and what you think. No matter where you are in this world. 不論你在地球的哪一端,歡迎與我交流讓我知道您的故事