
Even in the digital world, I still enjoy the experience of manual SLR camera. 即使在數位世界,我依然享受傳統單眼相機的體驗

"Carpe Diem 活在當下"

I can't think of a better word to describe the entire process of using FM2 SLR camera. See the scene, zoom in, focus, shutter, aperture, capture! One must be present: Carpe Diem. It is truly a present from the universe. 我想不出一個更好的詞來形容使用FM2單眼相機的整個過程。看景、遠近、對焦、快門、光圈、喀擦!必須存在在當下。英文的當下(present)也有禮物的意思。這確實是一份宇宙給的禮物。

My babies 我的寶貝們

Thank you for visiting us. 謝謝您們的瀏覽

【Percy波西@FM2攝影】自在(I) 自在是一種選擇,而不是外在環境的依賴 Freedom (I) Freedom is a choice, not relying on outside situations.
【Percy波西@FM2攝影】看見自己 See Oneself
【Percy波西@FM2攝影】What's Best Preparation 什麼是最好的準備?
About Me | 關於我
Desire 渴望
Be yourself 做自己
Thankful 感恩
Blessing 祝福
Serenity Prayer 寧靜禱文
Zero Limit 零極限
Start 開始
Relax 放輕鬆